Seasoned financial professionals with broad experience in wealth


Soclar came to be out of Gary’s belief that there is a great lack of knowledge about finances and money in the United States. One of the richest countries representing the greatest freedoms we know to mankind is still in the dark ages when it comes to understanding money and how it works appropriately in our lives. The majority of Americans are currently financially illiterate. They can’t perform basic arithmetic and understand how loans, interest, stocks, bonds, and other securities are structured and operate. But here is the rub: they want to. They are frustrated with their inability to get ahead, to make smart financial decisions. They don’t know where to turn or how to seek help. They want to be successful with their money, but struggle to figure out how to do it. Soclar came about to address these money issues and provide a path to building wealth successfully. Soclar starts where the average American is by coaching them toward what they want, beginning with single subject money videos. Single money subjects are in all the major areas of wealth. From investments and cash flow to taxes, insurance, and much more.

We are a team of seasoned financial professionals with broad experience in all areas of wealth. We have delivered wealth management services since the 1980s. We are credentialed in financial areas with practical experience in all areas of finances and money. We do this because of the enormous need to educate and coach money tenants, concepts and everyday practical money matters. Watch Gary’s personal story to understand why he is so passionate about coaching everyone about money. Living one’s purpose in life is the highest calling and this is precisely why we coach those who are desperately seeking help in making smart money decisions.

Soclar was over 30 years in the making. Providing money coaching to people of means is rewarding, but not anywhere near as rewarding as coaching those seeking help to build their wealth successfully. The digital age has now made it possible to deliver basic and advanced money subjects through exponential technology and we’re excited to provide this service to our customers.